Many start ups rely on the internet as a sales and marketing channel. Whilst in the early days of the internet, simple brochure pages dominated the small business' web presence, today the typical start up website is packed with multimedia features. The reality however, is that search engine technology is still very much based on text. A recent update of Google's algorithm has cemented the importance of quality text content, making Philosophers and other humanities students suddenly indispensable to small businesses.
Until Google's recent update, web content didn't need to be particularly good or useful - just densely packed with keywords and links in places where it didn't make sense. Start up.
Many of the biggest sites such as have produced content on an industrial scale, leading Google to reassess its algorithm. eHow and others have been downgraded on many search terms since the Google algorithm update. As Google comes out with new enhancements, it becomes critical for start ups to future-proof themselves against poor content.
Philosophers, historians and literature students - long the butt of jokes about practical skills - have the expertise in developing rich, text-based content that can be deployed on the web. Google has raised the bar, and soon start ups and other companies will require a greater depth of uniqueness and insight in their content.
Start ups can find student freelancers to work on their content via sites such as
You’ve got some interesting points in this article. I would have never considered any of these if I didn’t come across this. Thanks!.
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